Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post Halloween - Nov. 4

SJW and Jayme pre-halloween in front of the 1 1/2 feet of snow that we got that week. Thank you El Nino, or Global warming, or some thing. Crazy Colorado Weather.

Well it is the day after election day here in Colorado and guessed it...the town of Breckenridge voted to legalize the possesion of pot. I could have guessed because I saw (7) VW microbus's, (14) 1992 subarus, a school bus-turned-camper, a Karmann Ghia with mag wheels, and an old Mercedes wagon with the licence plate 'LGLZ IT', heading west on I-70. Could be a crazy ski season. Probably good to stay off the road today in the North country.
In any event, we now have some long awaited photos of Susannah and her cousin Aedan in their halloween costumes. I do not think there is a cuter Penguin and Monkey out there. You be the judge.
Susannah doing her best impression of Chilly Willy, (or is that Chilly Willie, he he he)

Susannah and her cousin/BFF Aedan chillin' on the couch. they didn't get much candy this year, but thats OK because they dont really have any teeth yet either. Aedan is 3 months younger than San San, but almost the same size. Just think by age 10 if she is 4'-3" he wil be 8'-6". Holy S***. We will get him signed up for the Nuggets training camp next year!

We are trying to teach Susannah non-violence, but she still has the urge to grab monkey faces. She does it all with love though; and Aedan is a cool enough character to deal with her shananigans.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A couple of videos - Hello November

We we have had some milestones over Halloween weekend. Susannah donned her beautiful penguin costume (pictures to follow), Saw her first snow storm, and she also crawled for the first time! Yea for mobility! Also bathtime! Yea for cleanliness!
We are also including a couple vids from 4 weeks ago when she had her first, (actually her 2nd) meal of real food, if you can call rice cereal real food, Yea for munchies! And singing grace before dinner, as taught to her by her Grandma Mary Sue. Yea for music! Enjoy!

Update: The 2nd meal bath time video might be too big to upload but suffice to say, SJ is taking after her Uncle James' eating habits and has stuffed the whole head of her rubber duck in her mouth. What can we say, she has a taste for the finer things in life. More Champagne Please!

Sj is moving slower than the Broncos secondary on Sunday, and sometimes she's losing yardage like the Broncos. No doubt a tribute with that Jersey on. Mom says 'No Hoodies with cut off sleeves', Ain't no Bellicheckin' here man. Check out the signature fish swim at the end.

As her singing voice developes so has the high pitched squeal in her vocal cords. Its all good, but the squeal drives her dog, Brusier, crazy. Down boy, down!

The Long Trip

Well the weekend before last we, unfortunately, had to make a trip to Houston, TX to celebrate the life of Martin's Uncle Joseph Willie who passed away earlier that week. It was a sad weekend, but good to see all of the family again.

Logistics, H1N1 and expensive airline tickets helped us decide to drive down to Houston. That was another adventure. Mapquest suggested that the trip would be 16 hours. Martin's interpretation of that we could make the trip in 13.5 hours, (posted speed limits are really only suggestions). However we did not count on the snow storm that hit Eastern Colorado the day before or the fact that the digital person that lives in the navigation device would be smoking crack that day. Needless to say after being turned back when the freeway was closed and then making a couple of wrong turns, we made it down in a mere 19 1/2 hours. Susannah did great! only a little fussy-ness for about an hour, but after that she was counting licences plate and winning at punch-buggy.

The trip back was even longer. We drove up to Dallas to visit Cousins Tony and Denise for a couple hours and then headed back home. After a couple short naps at rest areas, we made it home just in time to watch the Patriots game on Sunday (slept through the 2nd half). Amazingly, Susannah was happy and smiling when we got back. We were sure she would revolt against the car seat after 2400 miles and so many hours all in 4 days, but she loved it. She and we are lucky she has good traveling pants.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We enjoyed the beautiful fall day with friends at Berry Patch Farms last weekend. Susannah was the cutest little pumpkin in the patch! She picked out two pumpkins to carve next week and we bought organic carrots to try for her next solid.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


SIX MONTHS OLD - Well we made it 6 months and it sure did go by fast. Its confirmed, Susannah James is Petite. Who would have thought with parents like hers. She's not really petite, she is just growing at her own pace. The doctor thought she was the cutest thing in the world, (not surprised). She has perfect head to height ratio, and gained a couple pounds. (Hmmm...sounds like her dad). She does have a small head though, but it was also brought to our attention that while most humans use 10% of their brain, Susannah is actually using 30% of her brain. So, accounting for the smaller head, she is actually using 13.5% more of her brain than most humans. Smart girl!

She will start on real foods today. The doctor said it was fine to give her rice, Martin said, "like Rice Crispies" Jayme said. "silly rabbit, trix are for kids". Jayme and doctor laughed at Martin and said "creamy rice stuff dumb-ass." Martin said, "One more comment like that and Susannah and I are moving to Canada where she can eat croissants" (I heard they make ice skates in her size up there, too). Jayme and doctor agreed not to make fun of Martin for the rest of the visit.

All is fine and we are all getting ready to Celebrate Grandpa Chuck Willie's 82nd birthday tomorrow. Now there is an accomplishment!!
Grandpa Chuck is still in Massachusetts, home of the world champion N.E. Patriots, and refuses to retire. He's still teaching, writing, and traveling and generally causing trouble. GO DAD!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Lunch Date...Dim Sum

Susannah had her first lunch date with her girl friend Madeline at Star Kitchen. Susannah enjoyed milk while Madeline noshed on chow fun, avocado, strawberries, a banana, and haw gow.
I love the look on Susannah's face! Things went south when Madeline wanted to get a feel of Susannah's hair. I guess she doesn't like people touching her hair!

Here they are deep in conversation.
Susannah with Madeline's mom Andrea.

Viva Santa Fe

We headed south to Santa Fe over Labor Day for a long weekend with Uncle Dave and Aunt Betsy. Susannah did surprisingly well on the six hour drive down. We only stopped once for a quick 20 minute feeding and diaper change. We enjoyed the many festivities celebrating Santa Fe's 400th birthday.

Susannah LOVES firemen!

SJ and Mom taking a well deserved nap after a long day.
Susannah spent the afternoon relaxing with Aunt Betsy on the deck watching the humming birds feed.

Susannah is ready for solid food...she has been watching us eat for months. Look at her eyeing the roasted chili pepper!! I think we will start with peas and chili peppers second.

Enjoying wine and the beautiful view on the deck.
Sword fighting with corn on the cob...

Enjoying roasted corn with Rhonda, Brice and Lucas.

SJ and Great Aunt Betsy.